Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Saturday, December 01, 2018

Why is this not surprising?

New research finds that supporters of the Resident tend to be insecure about their masculinity.

From boasting about the size of his penis on national television to releasing records of his high testosterone levels, President Trump’s rhetoric and behavior exude machismo. His behavior also seems to have struck a chord with some male voters. See, for example, the “Donald Trump: Finally Someone With Balls” T-shirts common at Trump rallies.
But our research suggests that Trump is not necessarily attracting male supporters who are as confidently masculine as the president presents himself to be. Instead, Trump appears to appeal more to men who are secretly insecure about their manhood. We call this the “fragile masculinity hypothesis.”

Basically this means that guys who are afraid they aren't manly men are attracted to phony tough politicians  and aggressive rhetoric. Support for Ronald T. Dump is strongest in regions of the country where there are more Google searches for terms like "erectile dysfunction" and "penis enlargement." I could have predicted that.


Don Quixote said...

The research report states, "But our research suggests that Trump is not necessarily attracting male supporters who are as confidently masculine as the president presents himself to be."

PRESENTS himself to be is key; here is a man (barely) who avoided military service but wants to be commander-in-chief (what a sick joke that is); a man who never played football who bemoans the lack of "hard hits" in the game (there's no lack, actually); a man who hangs out with prostitutes (probably including his current wife). I could go on.

This man is a shit, and everyone who associates with him is a shit. He is the antithesis of masculinity, indeed of humanity. He is an execrable piece of shit.

Cervantes said...

Other than that how do you feel about him?

I agree that he is an extraordinarily repulsive human being. Even racists and misogynists would want a more attractive champion, I would think.