Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Our times

It is now an indisputable fact, based on publicly available audio recordings, that the entity occupying the office of president of the United States is a psychopathic mass murderer on the order of Pol Pot. Meanwhile, the corporate media present nightly newscasts that mention something about this tangentially and then go on to spend most of their allotted half hour on snow in Colorado and a minor earthquake in New Jersey, among other exigent issues. This is true.


Don Quixote said...

Don Quixote said...

PS It's the cave ... it's the cave ... it's the cave.

So many people are asleep. So many people are saying and doing things because someone on TV told them to.

Don Quixote said...

PPS We are in a time of lack of critical thinking; people have been commodified and sold to for so long that many of them have no idea they're even alive. It's buy, talk, sell ... not be, listen, live.

We've been sold a bill of goods. Language is used to obfuscate, not elucidate.

For example, people who believe in "white privilege" use the term "cancel culture" because it's something they heard and they repeat it. But "cancel culture" itself REALLY means, "the story we believe--that Caucasians are superior--is bullshit, and these two words reinforce the bullshit--when the REAL story is that we imported and enslaved people and larned to base our false self-esteem on abusing and killing natives and immigrants. The whole story of the founding of our country is based on a lie, and we need to hear the REAL story, so we can have an AUTHENTIC culture based in fact and truth."

Don Quixote said...

It IS happening here (in the USA), too:

Just keep listening to Shitler's lies! Big Brother loves you! He wants the best for you! Turn off your critical thinking skills and drink the Republican, Trumpian Kook-Aid, and ALL WILL BE WELL! JUST GO TO SLEEP!

Don Quixote said...