Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Keep America Stupid


Erik Loomis has discovered that people are selling, and a fortiori buying, fake vaccine cards, so they can get in to ball games and concerts and so on without actually getting vaccinated. And guess who these people are: "Among all groups, Republicans and white evangelical Christians were the most likely to say they will not get vaccinated, with almost 30% of each group saying they will “definitely not” get a shot."


So what exactly does this have to do with conservatism or Christianity? Obviously nothing. But it does have a lot to do with not living in reality. Then there's Republican outrage over the Biden plan to ban beef. These malignant clowns have absolutely nothing to offer people but lies.


Woody Peckerwood said...

I'd like to preface my comment by saying that I've had the first shot and I'm scheduled to get the second.

B|UT, I also think it's horrendous to create a two tier citizenry. Those who have the shot can participate and those who have chosen not to can't. It's just another way to divide us by class.

And before you go off on your high horse about public health, there is a balance that must be met. A balance between public health and individual rights. If there wasn't, you'd be advocating for forced vaccinations. You're not.

People can disagree where that balance is without being your enemy. AND, if the banning of beef is a nothing-burger, why are you so upset over it?

Cervantes said...

Wow, they really are keeping America stupid.

1) The reason people want fake vaccine cards is not because the government is requiring anybody to get a vaccine. (We'll talk about school children later, but that hasn't come up so far with Covid-19.) It's because capitalist corporations -- big, privately owned businesses like hotel chains, professional sports teams, and major concert venues -- are requiring people to be vaccinated. They also require shirt, shoes, whatever they want. They're private businesses. You presumably want them to be able to run their own businesses they way they want to, without government interference. Or are you a fucking commie?

2) Nobody is proposing banning beef, that's the whole point. This is made up bullshit. I definitely think people should eat less beef, and we should find ways to encourage them to do so. But nobody is proposing banning it. That is a stupid lie, like everything else Republican politicians say.

Don Quixote said...

Oy vey.

Cervantes said...

Peckerhead, this is not original advice but you need to hear it. When you find yourself in a hole you can't get out of, stop digging. Believe it or not, Faux News has actually retracted and apologized for the lie about the beef ban. I don't know why exactly -- they generally do not correct their lies. But apparently this one was too bizarre even for Lachlan Murdoch. You must understand that Faux News, all other Murdoch properties including the NY Post and the Daily Mail, News Max and ONAN, and all Republican politicians are lying to you. You must not believe anything they say, they are using you, they think your are stupid, they think you are a dupe, and a gull, and a fool, and that you will believe the lies they tell you. Are they right?

Cervantes said...

Man, you still just don't get it. They're lying to you. BTW RT is a Russian propaganda organ, in case you didn't know.

mojrim said...

Hey, Peckerwood, you know we require vaccines for children attending public schools, right? Explain the distinction.

Chucky Peirce said...

I don't see why people aren't more upset about being forced into a two tier citizenry by being denied to:

- Fish because they don't have a fishing license,
- Hunt because they don't have a hunting license,
- Drive because they don't have a driver's license,
- Practice law because they haven't passed the bar,
- Practice medicine because the don't have an MD.

Drivers' Rights Matter!