Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Putting two and two together

 Paul Campos comes right out and says it

The Republican party is in the midst of getting hundreds of thousands (at least) of Americans needlessly killed by COVID, because the GOP’s leaders have calculated that failing to ameliorate the pandemic is bad for Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats.

This is incontrovertibly true. As Campos says, it is mass murder, but nobody wants to say that because the idea is just too grotesque. (Let me reiterate: get vaccinated, get boosted. That will make your risk of ending up in the hospital or dying close to zero. Anybody who tells you not to get vaccinated is trying to kill you.)


And, Dean Obeidallah introduces us to two Canadian observers who believe that the U.S.A. republic is coming to an end.


The United States is coming to an end. The question is how." Those are the jarring opening lines of Canadian author Stephen Marche's new book, "The Next Civil War: Dispatches from the American Future." . . .Marche isn't the only Canadian worried about their southern neighbor's future. Just days before Marche's book released, political scientist Thomas Homer-Dixon -- the executive director of the Cascade Institute, which focuses on ways to address threats to society -- penned a powerful op-ed in Canada's "Globe and Mail" that begins with a similar warning. "By 2025, American democracy could collapse, causing extreme domestic political instability, including widespread civil violence," Homer-Dixon writes. "By 2030, if not sooner," he adds, "the country could be governed by a right-wing dictatorship."

Well yes. If they're willing to kill hundreds of thousands of people for the sake of power, they will, obviously, do anything. We need to talk about this honestly. There is no "middle."



Don Quixote said...

Thank you for alerting us, your readers, to sources that are speaking truths that are no longer merely unpleasant, but downright horrifying.

Chucky Peirce said...

But..but thinking about it gives me a stomach ache.