Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Saturday, July 08, 2023

Like I said

The high level U.S. delegation currently in China has a lot to talk about, but they're putting climate change at the top of the agenda.  As I said there's absolutely no sense driving deeper wedges between the U.S. and China. In fact the major issues are mostly about trade, global investment, and economic relations, one way or another, and those can only be resolved by deal making, not confrontation. In fact rare earths and semiconductors and photovoltaics are at the center of many of the issues so it's already about climate change. 


We hear absurd yelping from Republicans about how the administration  is "soft" on China, whatever that means, and should be trying to punish them for their sins. On the contrary, there's a whole lot that they want and need from us -- we have plenty of leverage, and just yelling at them (and Janet isn't yellin') or trying to find ways to punish them, which we can't possibly do without punishing ourselves, isn't going to accomplish anything. I have no illusions about Xi or the CCP, but they don't have to be nice people or folks I want to be besties with, that's irrelevant. We have a planet to save and that's all that matters.

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