Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Head in the Sand

 An analysis by Media Matters for America finds that when the major broadcast networks cover weather catastrophes, they rarely link them to climate change. They also don't pay much attention to even the largest catastrophes outside of the United States. 


  • A Media Matters analysis of extreme weather coverage from May 1-14 found:

    • The three major corporate broadcast TV networks — ABC, CBS, and NBC — aired a combined 3 hours and 23 minutes about extreme weather events across 118 segments.
    • Only 2 of those segments (both from NBC) referenced climate change.
    • Only 3 segments mentioned extreme weather events happening outside the U.S. — 1 segment about the flooding in Afghanistan and 2 about the flooding in Brazil.

    To anyone who doesn't need a glass navel to see, it is obvious that the pace and scale of disasters is exploding. It is a fair question whether Houston will become uninhabitable. The upcoming hurricane season may bring us unbearable woe. It is absolutely essential that the public understand not only that this is happening, but why.



Don Quixote said...

The U.S./world governments strategy for dealing with human-induced climate change:

"Everyone, remain totally calm and unconscious until all hell breaks loose."

Don Quixote said...

PS: "Pay no attention to Greta Thuneberg ... she's just a stupid kid. What does she know?"

But take hydroxychloroquine foe Covid! And remember: Any election not won by a Repugnantcan was stolen!"