Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Friday, September 27, 2024

I am not a journalist . . .

for a major media organization. Nor could I be, because I have a modicum of responsibility and self-respect. However, were I a <s>stenographer</s> reporter for Corporate Monstrosity News, and I had the opportunity to interview Ron DeSantis, I would stick a microphone in the little shit's face and address him thusly:


Governor, you have repeatedly said that human caused climate change is a hoax, and you have promoted and signed legislation to forbid Florida state agencies from referring to it in official reports and documents. Do you believe that the scientific consensus that warmer ocean temperatures, resulting from humans burning fossil fuels, are causing tropical cyclones to become more powerful and produce more rain, is wrong? If so, what is your basis for that belief? 


I might ask him about sea level rise as well, and whether he'll miss Miami when it's gone. 

1 comment:

Chucky Peirce said...

We are already at the point where hurricanes like Helene will be considered "mild" 20 years from now - even if the world didn't release a single extra molecule of CO2 into our atmosphere starting tomorrow. So let's "drill, baby, drill!"

This is an issue that needs to be emphasized before Election Day. It is a far bigger threat to many red states than immigration could possibly be.