Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Monday, September 09, 2013

Is Our Journalists Learning?

Maybe so. David D. Kirkpatrick, in the NYT, has abandoned the practice of stenography to point out that three congressional Republicans, visiting Egypt, don't know their sphincters from the Sphinx. Michelle Bachmann, Louis Gohmert and Steve King all think that the Muslim Brotherhood committed the 9/11 attack -- really! Kirkpatrick, in gross violation of journalistic norms and traditions, points out that isn't true, and in fact the Muslim Brotherhood renounced violence decades ago and strongly condemns al Qaeda and all terrorist tactics.

Then there is this:

Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas, appearing with her and Representative Steve King of Iowa, compared the leader of the military takeover, Gen. Abdul-Fattah el-Sisi, to George Washington. Mr. Gohmert overlooked the new government’s mass shootings of hundreds of mostly unarmed protesters, its sweeping roundup of thousands of political opponents and its suspension of all legal protection against arbitrary arrest or other police abuse; instead, he commended General Sisi and the appointed civilian leaders for creating a government where the rule of law was “king.”

This appears on the same day that Paul Krugman's column decries conservatives' general lack of acquaintance with reality, e.g. Rand Paul insisting that government employment has exploded under Obama, global warming denialism, and so forth.

Alas, the New York Times is largely irrelevant. The TV news will never point out when a politician  is lying, in fact they tend to absorb conservative falsehoods as verities. We are in very grave danger with these deluded lunatics running congress, and a corporate media that treat them respectfully while decrying "partisanship" on both sides. You bet I'm partisan when the other side is crazy, but if Alan Grayson says something to that effect, he isn't to be taken seriously.

So it's tough to go on blogging into the wind. Oh well, might as well keep on as not.


1 comment:

Don Quixote said...

Here was the part I liked best:

"We are in very grave danger with these deluded lunatics running congress, and a corporate media that treat them respectfully while decrying "partisanship" on both sides."

BINGO. The daily perpetuation of myth in the media is staggering. Bullshit to the nth degree! It's all on par with the "birthers."

Holy misfiring frontal cortexes!