. . . but the alternate reality and depraved moral landscape in which our Dear Leader lives has crashed through even Cillizza's concrete skull.
This malignant clown is killing us. His unending verbal diarrhea of self adoration, slander, ignorance and stupidity, moral depravity and general assholishness would be impossible to imagine as satire or horror fiction. Yet here we are with nearly half of the population telling pollsters they approve of his conduct in office. And apparently they are happy to take their delusion to the grave.
Noted that Dump is not the only elected official who was dismissive of the risk for too long. But he is the only one who is president of the United States, and he was extreme in his dismissal for far longer than any others save those who belong to his cult, and he also made the most ridiculous comments. It will miraculously go away in a few days. We have 15 cases today, there won't be any in a week. That sort of nonsense. Lots of people made mistakes in this catastrophe but hardly anyone is as batshit insane.
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We've always known who he is, as Robert Redford said in an interview. He's still the same asshole/narcissist/mentally ill bigot/sexual abuser/rapist he always was. But now he's also a Russian stooge/asset, a sitting "president," and a mass murderer.
That's progress!
What upsets me are headlines like the NY Times today, where they spread his lies like droplets from a killing virus, usually starting this way: "With No Data, [Shitler] ..." and then followed like, ... Accuses Governors of ... or ... discusses coronavirus treatments ...
Etc., etc.
They transcribe his lies, covering their old grey ass by making sure everyone knows it's unverified.
What they need to write is this: "With No Data, Narcissistic and Mentally Ill Piece of Shit in White House Pitches Ridiculous, Offensive, Hurtful Propaganda as PR Pitch to Members of Personality Cult That Are Stupid Enough to Listen to Him, and Corrupt Republicans in Congress and 'Justice' Department Refuse to Send Him to Prison."
You know, fact instead of the usual fiction.
i checked the definition of apoplectic. yep. that's me too.
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