Just to make sure this is settled once and for all, Digby reviews the Senate Intelligence Committee report on Russian interference on the 2016 election. And just to be clear:
Paul Manafort, the campaign chair -- that's right, the chair of the Ronald T. Dump campaign -- was a Russian agent who colluded -- yes, that's the right word -- extensively with Konstantin V. Kilimnik, who was and is an agent of the GRU. As Digby sez, "The report calls Donald Trump's campaign chairman a "grave
counter-intelligence threat." How that doesn't fit everyone's definition
of collusion is hard to fathom." Roger Stone, the dirty trickster, orchestrated the release of material from Wickleaks that Russian intelligence had hacked from the DNC and John Podesta. There's a lot more, just read it.
Mueller was tasked only with pursuing possible criminal conduct. He was not allowed to engage in a counterintelligence investigation, by the terms of his appointment. He did find a lot of criminal conduct, as we know, but he would have found a lot more if the Resident and his associates had not lied to him. They kept on lying to the Senate committee. Digby: "As the Los Angeles Times has reported, the committee made criminal referrals of Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon, Erik Prince and Sam Clovis to federal prosecutors in 2019, for misleading Congress. There's no word on what might have come of those referrals."
This report was signed by every single Republican on the committee.
1 comment:
I'm all up for some charges is there's really anything there.
So, who's gonna be charged, with what and when?
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