Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Slow motion catastrophe

As severe storms sweep through the south day after day, spawning tornadoes and wiping out whole neighborhoods, it gets almost no attention in national corporate media. Meanwhile, the years-long drought in the southwest is threatening to put a large portion of America's farmland out of business, while deadly wildfires are scarcely news any more.


I give you Rick Perlstein:

I cherished Eric Boehlert's witness on the moral catastrophe that is mainstream political journalism and punditry. Here is my tribute to his memory with this episode of "The Daily" on US failing to meet Biden's climate goals without...FUCKING MENTIONING THE FUCKING POLITICAL PARTY THAT DOESN'T BELIEVE CLIMATE CHANGE IS A PROBLEM. Framed as 90% fault of Biden's political timidity, 10% "stalled in Congress," "political realities," "partisan bickering." The media bias against providing a minimally basic description of reality, if that description helps the only American political party THAT BELIEVES CLIMATE CHANGE IS A PROBLEM, is a form of moral decadence I can't comprehend. The kind that ends civilization.





1 comment:

Chucky Peirce said...

Speaking of which...

I understand that the US has given Ukraine about $3.5 billion military aid. Good for us!

I also understand that the US military budget for next year will be about $745 billion. Whew!

By my calculation the support we've given to a country successfully engaging in a war with a country that is one of the biggest threats to our own safety wouldn't keep our own military going for two days.

Considering that all this is being done without the loss of a single American life doesn't this support sound a bit chintzy?