Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Monday, May 16, 2022


 Here's a good discussion by Talia Levin of the belief system that motivated Payton Gendron to murder ten people in a Buffalo supermarket. This is, of course, also the mainstream ideology of the Republican party, and the explanation for its allegiance to an idiotic lunatic. I suppose it's technically correct that replacement theory is in fact a "theory" in that it presents a causal explanation, but it depends on a ridiculous moral assumption for that even to matter.

It is true that the percentage of the U.S. population which is of predominant European ancestry (coded as "white") and Christian is declining. It is not true that this is the result of a Jewish conspiracy, but regardless, it doesn't matter anyway. Why should I care that a larger share of the people around me have ancestors from other parts of the globe? I haven't been "replaced," I'm still here, and so is Tucker Carlson. I just have the opportunity to meet people with more diverse backgrounds and experiences. As far as my voting interests, they are unrelated to my pigmentation. I'm perfectly happy to vote along with Black and Brown people for candidates who we mutually support.

If Republicans don't want growing numbers of people who don't identify as white Christians to vote against them, then stop calling their presence here illegitimate and promising to deny them their fair share of wealth and power. Then you won't have a problem.

1 comment:

Don Quixote said...

Weren't the "white" settlers to what is now the United States' east coast illegal aliens who perpetrated genocide on the inhabitants already here?

What the fuck gives anyone an invader a "right" to be anywhere?

Why are conservative white people so fucked-up? They are stunted humans with no sense of humor, no appreciation for beauty, no empathy or compassion.

In short, they're fucked-up and don't even seem to have a clue.