Utah is among the many states that are now encouraging parents to ban books from school libraries. Well, a parent has exercised the right to request banning what is one of the most indecent books there is, the Bible. We've been reading it here, blithely enjoying the multiple accounts of incest, rape, and seduction. Consider just a single character, Judah, the guy after whom the Jewish people are named and supposedly an ancestor of Joseph, husband of Mary:
Judah marries the daughter of Shua, a Canaanite. Genesis chapter 38 Judah and his wife have three children, Er, Onan, and Shelah. Er marries Tamar, but God kills him because he was wicked in His sight (Gen. 38:7). Tamar becomes Onan's wife in accordance with custom, but he too is killed after he refuses to father children for his older brother's childless widow, and spills his seed instead.[5] Although Tamar should have married Shelah, the remaining brother, Judah did not consent, and in response Tamar deceives Judah into having intercourse with her by pretending to be a prostitute. When Judah discovers that Tamar is pregnant he prepares to have her killed, but recants and confesses when he finds out that he is the father (Gen. 38:24-26).[6] Tamar is the mother of twins, Perez (Peretz) and Zerah (Gen. 38:27-30). The former is the patrilinear ancestor of the messiah, according to the Book of Ruth (4:18-22). . . . .
Judah's position is further enhanced through the downfall of his older brothers: Reuben, the eldest, cedes his birthright through sexual misconduct with Jacob's concubine Bilhah (Gen. 35:22), and the bloody revenge taken by Simeon and Levi following the rape of Dinah (Gen. chap. 34)[16] disqualifies them as leaders.[17]
Of course his descendant David raped Baathsheba and murdered her husband. Lot's daughters seduced him in order to get pregnant. Delilah seduced Samson and betrayed him to the Philistines. We could of course go on endlessly. It's just filth. Get it out of our schools.
I guess for right/wing Christians, it's like everything else: the rules they want to enforce apply to everyone else, not them. That's why Donald Shitler can commit any crime he wants without being prosecuted. My goodness, if he's indicted, there will be violence and death!
Lock him up! Ban the Bible!
"The rules" apply to everybody. No exceptions to the rule.
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