Here is a historical graph of life expectancy at birth, for Homo sapiens on planet Earth.
The picture for the U.S. specifically is very similar, although the upturn started a bit earlier. (That mysterious dip around 1959 is the Chinese famine resulting from the so-called Great Leap Forward. In a graph of just the U.S., you would see a similar dip around 1918, from the influenza pandemic.) You can extend that horizontal tail back 6,000 years or more. In any given local area it might have gone up a bit in good times and down in times of plague or famine, but it basically stayed at around 30 years, never above 40, everywhere and always.
So here's your question. What happened around 1900 to make that line start going up?
Many factors, but at the inflection point of 1900, it was mostly improved sanitation, sewage systems, and access to clean water.
I think you were heading to the "vaccines". I wish the current ones were as safe as the cowpox vaccine, but they aren't. We're just now finding out stuff and will probably find out more as time goes on.
The whole world was stampeded into an experimental vaccine that we're now finding out has some flaws. I'm OK with that. What I'm not OK with is how the government lied their asses off about it. About its safety...about its origin and just about everything else.
I took two shots and refused the boosters. Wish I had not taken those two. But the fearmongering the government engaged in was palpable.
Water chlorination?
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