Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Must Read

 Here's Radley Balko on one of Dump's most oft-repeated campaign promises, which is to deport 15 million people. Actually there aren't nearly that many people in the country illegally, but if you read the piece, you'll see why that doesn't really matter. It's impossible to summarize adequately and pulling out any of it would be to blur the picture. But I will make a couple of points, just so you have an idea what you're up against when you try to defend the proposal. 

I assume you don't believe people who are in the U.S. illegally have any human rights or that we should care whether they live or die, whether they suffer, or whether their children, friends and neighbors suffer. After all, they are vermin who are poisoning the blood of America, right? And if some people who aren't actually here illegally get caught up in the dragnet and wrongly deported, you don't care about that either because they don't qualify as white, and that's what you really care about. So I'll give you all that. So consider this:

  • Deporting even a fraction of 15 million people would wreck the U.S. economy. In case you didn't know it, these people work, and no, they are not eligible for and do not receive any government benefits. Inflation would soar, and the U.S. would go into a depression. Who do you think picks crops, processes food, works in restaurant kitchens? 

  • The operation would be 2/3 larger than the Nazi operation to transport the Jews of Europe. The deportation operation alone would cost at least $210 billion, substantially larger than the budget of the U.S. army. But that's not counting the cost of finding and detaining the people, or flying them back to the countries where they were born which would be necessary in the case of every country but Mexico and Canada.
  • It would cost $258 billion a year just to detain the current backlog of people who are awaiting immigration hearings. That's twice the budget of the state of Florida. It would cost three times as much to detain people who are not known to the authorities and not awaiting hearings. 
  • The plan would require 530,000 additional immigration enforcement officers. Right now, there are 325,000 reservists in the National Guard, in all 50 states . . . 

 Oh forget about it. This is already completely ridiculous. Just read it. These is who half the people polled say they will vote for, because he's a straight shooter, who tells it like it is.


1 comment:

Don Quixote said...

With all this insanity going on, and far-right-wing media outlets and politicians winning the propaganda war among an increasingly illiterate populace, without any mainstream media or other figure to stand up and convincingly say, "This is all bullshit," the question is: Where is this all headed? Are we headed for violence in the streets between far-right morons and conscious citizens? How many members of America's police forces are willing to enter the fray on behalf of a madman? Is the Thanatos urge so strong in this country right now that nothing can pull us back from the brink? Can anything -- no matter how radical -- realistically be done? In my fantasy, Joe Biden takes one for the team and dispenses with perhaps 10 people, including Shitler himself, in order to save America from the insane demagogue and the highest court.

That, to me, is how crazy it seems to have gotten with the unrestricted flow of racism and lies that's permitted to pollute the national zeitgeist.