Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Monday, October 14, 2024

The World Gone Mad

When I saw this headline in the NYT I thought it must be a spoof:


Don Quixote said...

Apparently, a lot of mentally disturbed people have too much free time on their hands.

Remember those buttons/stickers that read, "Reality is for people who can't handle drugs"? I'd say that "Conspiracy theories and collective insanity are for people who can't handle reality."

People explain the tremendous amount of insanity and cruelty in the U.S. by saying what a "young country" we are. Well, so is Canada. There goes that excuse. I'd say we're in the late stages of an empire that was founded on genocide of natives and enslavement of Africans, an empire that could never bring itself once and for all to face its own reality. Even Reconstruction was dismantled after our family's internecine war.

Why would all the mentally ill people, haters, racists and bigots want to suddenly face reality? Dig down deeper into the denial and hatred. Such people are prisoners of their own device because they only know one approach to reality: denial and hatred. They don't even know they HAVE a problem with reality; they don't know what reality is, and the mass media (including the NY Times) isn't doing anything to disabuse them of their blindness because those media outlets have it too.

"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail." --Abraham Maslow

Chucky Peirce said...

When these folks buy a big ticket item, like a car or a house, do they accept whatever the seller tells them about it, regardless of how outlandish it is?