Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Medical report

So, I had a breakthrough Covid infection, which really frosts my pumpkin because I've had four shots, the most recent less than a month ago. Presumably I was exposed on the trip somehow. I was particularly miserable because the first symptom I got was myalgia in my right pectoral, which means it hurts ever time I cough. Not so much today, I'm feeling better, and the worst of it only lasted about 36 hours, so believe me, vaccination is worth it. But it won't prevent infection entirely.

That mean I was in no condition to post yesterday, so I'll try to make it up with another later today. In the meantime, take it from me, no this is not over. You need to be up to date on your vaccinations and try to minimize your risk of exposure. It still matters. As far as I can tell I'm recovering but the risk of long Covid is very substantial, maybe as much as 20%. You do not want any part of that.

1 comment:

Don Quixote said...

Crap. Crap. Crap. Not looking good for humanity and the oceans and land environments. PFAS, CO2, hastened climated change. Get rid of humans = problem solved.

Not for the humans, of course ...