Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Reading the tea leaves

I often say that prediction is hard, especially about the future, so I try not to indulge in it. Also, nothing bugs me more than horse race political coverage. Still, I can't help but notice that the corporate media type are failing to notice something obviously strange about the prisoner exchange with Russia. The Great Pumpkin is obviously frosted because his pal Vlad did him dirty. The question is "why"?

Yes, yes, this deal has been in the works for a long time. However, Vlad didn't have to pull the trigger until November. Instead, he did it at the best possible time for Kamala Harris, just as she was grabbing the baton. So, does he know something? We know he had agents inside the Trump campaign in 2016 and probably 2020, and he had access to their internal polling. (This was proved in court, resulting in a criminal conviction, so STFU.) If Vlad is pulling the plug on his poodle, as seems to be the case, said poodle is dogmeat. Just my thought for the day.

1 comment:

Chucky Peirce said...

Biden also traded some very bad men for the hostages. Focused as they are on retribution, Trump's base will see this as another betrayal since the people we returned are "responsible" for getting themselves in trouble in the first place.

Trump's tactics make more sense if you think of him as whipping up his supporters into an armed frenzy when he loses.

Take a look at the prayers that precede current Trump rallies.

Who will stop them?
- The police, who are generally sympathetic to MAGA rhetoric?
- The military, who would be loath to fire on their countrymen; especially after a few targeted assassinations in the chain of command, and a steady diet of Fox lies?

I'm sorry for posting such bleak thoughts.