Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The thing speaks for itself . . .

Picked this up from Balloon Juice, it must be shouted far and wide:

Evan Bayh, the junior senator from Indiana, is in the middle of a heated debate in the Senate on whether a public option should be included as part of President Obama's health care reforms. An organizer of a group of so-called Senate Blue Dog Democrats, to date, Bayh's been a staunch opponent of any changes to the status quo in this debate. He's worried aloud that any public option would be a nod to socialism and counter to his principles as a fiscal conservative. . . .

His wife, Susan Bayh, sits on the board of WellPoint(WLP Quote) in her hometown of Indianapolis. Over the last six years, Susan Bayh has received at least $2 million in compensation from WellPoint alone for serving on its board.

Now that's fiscally conservative.