Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Monday, September 30, 2019

It's about Russia, not Ukraine

I'm not entirely sure why, but the corporate media has focused almost exclusively on the attempt to extort a smear of Joe and Hunter Biden and has entirely ignored an even more bizarre part of the phone conversation between the Resident and Volodymyr Zelensky. David Atkins gives a good rundown.

Early in the call, the Resident asked Zelensky for information about the Internet security firm Crowdstrike and a DNC server that was purportedly hidden in Ukraine. In case you didn't know, this about  a nutjob conspiracy theory in the same class as Q Anon and Pizzagate. It's so out there it hasn't even made it onto Hannity. The actual fact is that the DNC hired Crowdstrike to figure out who hacked their computer network and Crowdstrike concluded, along with the FBI, CIA, NSA, and of course Robert Mueller, that it was people in the employ of the Russian state. The conspiracy is that Crowdstrike manufactured this accusation in order to discredit the 2016 election and that a DNC "server," which should have been handed over to the FBI, had been hidden in Ukraine. The Ukraine connection is that Crowdstrike co-founder Dmitri Alperovitch is supposedly Ukrainian. He's actually a Russian-born U.S. citizen. Also, too, there is no such server. The DNC network consisted of many servers and other nodes that had to be rebuilt because of the hacking.

As Atkins concludes, "One might think that Trump got the information from random corners of the internet. But the problem there is that the president barely knows how to use a computer, and has to have articles printed out for him and put on his desk. So who was feeding him these conspiracies? Why did he continue to believe them even as his own intelligence services and White House staff were attempting to disabuse him of them?" Which they were. As Laura Clawson recounts, presidential advisers repeatedly told him that the claims were nonsensical, but he refuses to believe them.

Anyhoo . . .

As Lucian Truscott makes clear, it has been obvious that Trump is Vladimir Putin's stooge from before he ever took office. And by the way, amid all the craziness and chaos does anybody even remember Helsinki any more? Feeding the orange bozo this particular mishegoss makes a lot of sense for Vlad. Remember that Vlad is waging a low-grade war against Ukraine because it turned away from Russia and toward the European union. Vlad has enlisted Trump to undermine the European alliance and is also using him to undermine U.S. support for Ukraine. Oh yeah, what else have we forgotten? The Trump campaign sent an emissary to the platform committee during the Republican National Convention with one and only one demand: remove the platform plank calling for military aid to Ukraine.

The reason Orange Julius is losing what was left of his mind is because he knows he a traitor, and he knows he's about to be caught. Actually he has been, it just hasn't been made official yet.

Update: Here's Digby, but I got there first. (Her time stamp is west coast.)

All that said, Dr. Black is correct. We have to expose everything this schtickdreck has done (BTW shana tovah) and bring all of his co-conspirators to account. If this is what it takes to pry the box open, fine, but it can't stop here.

Update: John Solomon's "reporting" in The Hill has long since been shown to be a hoax, but it is indeed the origin of much of the current hoohah. I'll have more to say about that, but meanwhile you can read more about it here,and here.


Woody Peckerwood said...

There are a lot of things Donald Trump does and says that Republicans don't particularly like, but they like the agenda he promotes. Pro-life, pro second amendment, tax cuts, cracking down on illegal immigration, etc. He's very popular with his base.

Democrats will have to have something really, really solid to unseat him. Either a quid pro quo for personal gain or something just as as egregious that will convince people that it rises to the level of impeachment. A phone call with plausible deniability is not enough and will only make them look like this is just the last iteration of their ongoing efforts to undo an election. And there's a good chance that an impeachment without a conviction will strengthen his candidacy.

Cervantes said...

Well, I don't agree about the plausible deniability part, this is pretty cut and dried to most observers.

Agreed, the Supreme Court picks are probably the most important thing to Republican voters -- that's where the anti-abortion and pro-gun part plays out. However they have only minority support in the general electorate. The tax cuts didn't work out however, except for the plutocrat wing of the party. And he didn't crack down on illegal immigration, he cracked down on asylum seekers. That's different, and it was a bad look for most of the country. So while I agree that he's likely to keep the loyalty of most Republican voters, if he's unpopular with the general electorate that's going to make impeachment in the House plausible. Senate however, probably not.

Rank and File said...

I'll be very interested in how all of this plays out. There's a lot we're not being told. Both sides spin to their advantage.

Democrats say the president and his men are colluding with foreign powers for political gain and point to only the most recent events which, on the face of it, looks bad.

Republicans say the Democrats, including Hillary, colluded with foreign powers against Trump and covered it up and they were only trying to uncover it.

One thing that I would like explained to me is what was Joe Biden's son's value to a foreign energy company if not for his political connections?

mojrim said...

It's not the right wing base we need to convince, just 20 GOP senators who, having gotten their tax cuts and judges, re now more concerned with sanctioning Russia.

Cervantes said...

"Republicans say the Democrats, including Hillary, colluded with foreign powers against Trump and covered it up and they were only trying to uncover it. "

The difference is that the above is complete bullshit, it's a 100% fabricated lie. Whereas Trump is actually a corrupt traitor.

Yes, Hunter Biden was probably on the board because of his connections and for cosmetic reasons. Alas, this is true of most members of most corporate boards. There is zip, zilch, zero nada evidence that he was involved in anything corrupt or illegal. I agree it's unseemly and Joe Biden thought the same, discouraged him from doing it, but Hunter is an adult and doesn't have to obey Daddy.

Don Quixote said...

Ever since Fox Propaganda Network started broadcasting, there has been an alternate reality--manufactured by folks who brought us the Project for a New American Century (Cheney et. al--"We make reality").

No, they don't. Reality is reality. Neocons were criminals. Like the Republicans in office now.

There's nothing new here that Stalin and Hitler didn't try.

Rank and File said...

Well, here's some of the complete bullshit that caught my eye. This is from Politic Jan 11, 2017 right after the election.

Cervantes said...

So what? That's completely irrelevant. And oh yeah, one more thing -- Manafort is in prison right now because, as it turns out, what they were doing was trying to expose the truth.

Cervantes said...

Also, too.

Woody Peckerwood said...

Let's say President Trump is impeached and the Senate votes to remove him.

What's to stop him from being reelected?

Cervantes said...

Impeachment can include disqualification from future office holding. But anybody who would vote for such a malignant, psychopathic, narcissistic moron is a fool.

Woody Peckerwood said...

I did not know it would disqualify from future office. Interesting...

It's doubtful that the president will be impeached because I don't see the Democrats doing much other than a lot of hoo-haa for the cameras. They want the political issue but know if impeached, Trump will never be convicted in the Senate. Many believe impeachment without a conviction would strengthen the president's campaign for reelection.

So, I'm skeptical if the House will impeach. On the other hand, Pelosi might be forced into it by the younger, more radical and less calculating wing to keep the party unified.

Cervantes said...

All speculation at this point. Events are rapidly unfolding and many surprises lie ahead, I'm sure.