Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

News Flash: Protests against police brutality are not associated with Covid outbreaks

That's right. No, zero, zip, zilch, nada coronavirus outbreaks have been linked to protests. The reason is that people mostly wore masks, kept their distance, and it all happened outside. (I might add that the protests were overwhelmingly peaceful. The rioters were police. But that's for another day.)

The skyrocketing epidemic in many states is, however, strongly associated with listening to Sean Hannity. That is a scientific fact. The reason this is happening is because people who listen to Faux News and the Vulgar Pigboy don't believe it's real, don't wear masks, and go to bars and other indoor gatherings such as Resident Dump rallies. Don't go making wild claims that you would want to be true without first determining whether they are in fact true.

Also, to be specific, the reason for the outbreak in some California counties appears to be people having house parties. That is what we call here in the Reality Based Community a True Fact.


Don Quixote said...

Just checking: Is the "Vulgar Pigboy" Insannity, or Limburger?

Either way is okay with me.

IMHO, any Republican has got to be--at the least--very confused about some basic things. Or if worse, a virulent know-nothing.

But I just talked with a friend in Yell County, AR, where the rates are rising. She tells me that a lot of people just aren't wearing masks. I am sorry these people will have to lose their health and, possibly, their lives before they or survivors change behavior.

Two problems:

1) They watch the Vulgar Pigboy. That's their choice, but they're choosing to be misinformed.

2) If they ever look at the CDC or NY Times COVID-19 statistics for their counties (fun fact: Yell County is unusual in that it has 2 county seats), they see that no matter how many people are getting sick in their counties--200, 300--only two or three people die.

I assume this is a function of the way the state reports fatalities due to pneumonia vs. COVID-19? The point is, people are being misinformed intentionally by not only Fux, but gy their own state authorities.

Cervantes said...

Vulgar Pigboy is a common appellation of Limbaugh.

Don Quixote said...

Well, it fits. I figured. It fits figuratively and literally.