Despite trying to overturn 222 years of the constitutional regime and have himself declared President for Life, the Great Orange Turdblossom has evidently vacated the actual office of the presidency. Other than firing the top Pentagon leadership and replacing them with racist lunatics, he has taken no official action and hidden from the public for the past week.
Meanwhile, mysteriously, Hunter Biden's laptop has disappeared. What has not disappeared, however, is the viral epidemic which is currently infecting most of the top White House staff, not to mention most of the Midwest.
There has been a weird complacency while he hit daily records for new infections, apparently because some people think that it's just because of all that testing and anyway it's all college kids and pro athletes getting it and they're invulnerable. Sadly, no. Actually there is not more testing, there is a higher test positivity rate, which is why the hospitals are filling up. As you may recall from our lessons back in the spring, deaths are a lagging indicator. First you get infected, then in a week or two you get symptoms, then in another week or two you die. So here's what's been happening to daily reported deaths:
Weirdly, nobody ever seems to mention this. It's a little hard to eyeball it because of the scale, but right now we're back where we were in early August, at a bit more than 1,000 deaths a day on average (the number reported yesterday was 1,431) and the shape of the cure is exponentially up. Which is to be expected. Whatever happens with vaccines, it will be many months before they can possibly have any discernible impact. Which means, whatever the governor of South Dakota may say, we'll be looking at 2,000 deaths a day very soon. Which means we will not be experiencing an economic recovery. It also means, if we don't do something about this very soon, there could be another 100,000 dead and untold numbers of people disabled -- best guess, at least as many -- by the time Joe Biden is sworn in.
If did not vote for Joe Biden, this is evidently what you wanted. Enjoy it.
Thank the universe we're slowly pulling back from the edge of Trumpian madness. But man, we came so close to losing it all ... now to deal with reality: COVID and racism.
One more comment:
I think the reason there's so much gullibility in the U.S. is because the country was founded on genocide and slavery, and that led to the cognitive dissonance necessary for people to live in oppression (whether they are the oppressed or the oppressors).
That type of system dehumanizes everyone ... hence, the throngs grinning for the cameras at Jim Crow lynchings ... combine this with endemic sexual, emotional, and physical abuse of children, and we have a society where violence is impregnated into the fabric of the society, along with the denial needed to propagate it. As Salman Rushdie wrote, "Repression is a seamless garment"--sexism, ageism, misogyny all go along with racism.
The answer: ACCEPTANCE. Of real history, of our misdeeds and the horrors of our abuse. Education. The admission that ... fasten your seat belts ... ALL MEN/WOMEN/ETC. ARE CREATED EQUAL!
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