Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021


This is via Medscape, and you have to register. Also, in order to register, you have to pretend to be a health care provider -- they won't let me register as a health services researcher. So I'll just rip them off:

nationwide, 1 in 4 hospital workers who have direct contact with patients had not yet received a single dose of a COVID vaccine by the end of May, according to a WebMD and Medscape Medical News analysis of data collected by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from 2500 hospitals across the US.

Among the nation's 50 largest hospitals, the percentage of unvaccinated healthcare workers appears to be even larger, about 1 in 3. Vaccination rates range from a high of 99% at Houston Methodist Hospital, which was the first in the nation to mandate the shots for its workers, to a low between 30% and 40% at some hospitals in Florida.

This shouldn't require comment, but I can't help myself. The administrators of these hospitals are guilty of homicidal negligence. Why do physicians and nurses who work there put up with this? Why do patients go there? This is utterly insane. Like a whole lot else that's going on right now.

1 comment:

Don Quixote said...

Empires die from within. If we can’t face our internal demons, I don’t see much hope. Call ‘em what you will—class, the artificial construct of race, the two combined, greed. As the Chinese aphorism says: If we don’t change our direction, we’ll end up where we’re going.