Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Friday, October 06, 2023

Bad news

 Yep, there's bad economic news, according to CNN

US markets fall on shockingly strong US jobs report


The terrifying news is that the U.S. economy added 336,000 jobs in November, disappointing economists who had been predicting about half as many. Americans have no problem finding work, and that's bad for capitalism because it means it's harder to make a profit. In order to have a healthy economy, we need to put people out of work. No wonder voters are so disappointed in president Biden -- he hasn't created the mass unemployment we desperately need.


Minister of Truth said...

The exacerbation of the rollercoaster economy is a direct result of bunch of guys in a smokey room making decisions about how much renting money should cost.

AND...their goal is an inflation rate of 2%. WTF?? Why is 2% desirable? Why have inflation at all?

There was little to no inflation until the money went fiat in 1973.

Highly irritating...

Minister of Truth said...

Higher interest rates, here we come!

Pretty sure the fed will overshoot. They always do. I'm positioning to pick up distressed assets should everything crap. In those moments, cash is King.

Don Quixote said...

Capitalism is a shitty, heartless scam.

"The one who dies worth the most toys wins."

Never was a sicker, more twisted bastard than Henry Ford. There's your prototypical "successful capitalist."