Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Hoisted from my comment . . .

On Charlie Pierce's blog  (which I heartily commend):

Some people here may view what I'm about to say as a bit contrarian, but believe me Paul Krugman agrees with me. Long-term, the cost of Medicare -- and Medicaid, and health care in general, but let's talk about medicare specifically -- is indeed a big problem, and it would be a good idea to start to get handle on it soon. (Conflating this with Social Security is indeed a scam.) Unfortunately, no politician, including BHO, is talking about the true nature of the problem and the needed solutions. No, we don't have to cut benefits, make beneficiaries pay more out of pocket, or even means test it (which would produce trivial revenues/savings). But we do need to a) pay less for drugs and overpaid medical specialists; b) stop doing unnecessary, useless and even harmless procedures (which is what Republicans call "death panels"), which requires basically changing the way we pay for health care; and c) invest more (not less as we are now discussing) in public health, social welfare and environmental protection programs that promote health, prevent disease, and will more than pay for themselves in avoided medical costs. And we need to do more comparative effectiveness and cost effectiveness research so we can figure out how to do all of the above right. That's the discussion we need to be having, but we aren't going near it.


Anonymous said...

That's much too logical. And, I think someone rich won't be able to make gazillions more dollars with a new plan.

Anonymous said...

For-profit health care lines the coffers of the the 5 or 1%. And they can afford whatever they want or deem good for themselves.

Krugman is a silly pop economist Gvmt shill. A lame-ass who spouts conventional lines from doctrines that resemble a religious mind set. Without a Savior or God of course.

Why is Medicare a big problem? Because ppl choose to see it that way, or enforce that view. Both the Republicans and Obama want to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid (not to mention food stamps, WIC, etc.) to alleviate ‘Gvmt debt’ and protect the rich from financial cataclysms, and continue privatization and gouging. Sure, less should be paid for drugs and useless specialists... So why has that not happened? - bingo! The drug cos and specialists earn a ton and have powerful lobbyist in Washington.


Cervantes said...

Not sure where you're coming from with Krugman . . .