Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

The Death Cult

Chauncey DeVega interviews Steve Hassan, a cult expert with personal experience. (He was a Moonie.) It's definitely worth your while to read the whole thing. He explains how cults of personality work and why Trump cultists are impervious to facts or logic. For those of us on the outside, it seems incomprehensible how this repulsive, stupid, malicious, narcissistic pathological liar, bully and coward can possibly attract the admiration of anyone or find anyone to believe the constant flow of bullshit out of his mouth. To Hassan, it seems, it's no mystery. I'll give you a taste, but you have to read it.

Donald Trump fits the stereotypical profile of all destructive cults. These traits include malignant narcissism. Trump can easily be compared to Jim Jones, Sun Myung Moon, and other cult leaders. Trump always had a cult of personality around him in terms of his businesses and his social interactions with people. But once Trump attained the presidency, he took over the Republican Party and instituted a fiefdom where he rewards loyalty and punishes anyone who displeases him.
As for definitions, a "destructive cult" is an authoritarian pyramid-structured group with someone at the top who claims to know all things and says God is working through him or her. Trump does that as well. Donald Trump is also trying to control people's behavior, the information they have access to, and their thoughts and emotions, to make them dependent and obedient and under his control. Consider the novel coronavirus pandemic and how Trump has all these followers who do not trust real experts and only take what Trump says to be true. Trump's followers also don't believe in science and medicine.  

1 comment:

Don Quixote said...

Is it any wonder that the resident's death cult has been enabled by Vlad Putin, a mass killer?

This is politics in my adult life. It used to be that we had actual elections. But in 2000 the Republican-led NotSupreme Court, with characters such as the sex addict/self-loathing Clarence "Long Dong Silver" Thomas and Antonin "I can justify any Constitutional atrocity and make it look like I had an actual basis besides my extremely freakish conservatism" Scalia," awarded the election to George W. Sex Addict Moron Bush, based on the faulty pulled-it-out-of-their-ass "logic" that it would be UNFAIR to Bush if the Florida votes were recounted. I was alive then, I remember it ... a goon squad actually physically accosting a voting commission at the time. Fascism!

Now, a completely and utterly contemptible failure of a human is installed in the White House by Russians. By Vlad the assassin.

Yesterday, a Republican-led legislature in Wisconsin condemned people to almost-certain illness and death in order to exercise their Constitutional right to vote.

There can be no more doubt. The Republican party is now a death cult. It must be killed, lest we all die. Not physically killed, not its members, but it must be squashed out of existence if we are to have a republic. People must not ever, ever vote Republican any more, if they want social security, health care, clean air, clean water, and life.