Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Friday, April 03, 2020

The dimension of time

Be very careful how you interpret the current geographic distribution of the Covid epidemic. The difference between places that have a lot of it now and the places that only have a little is time. Many states and localities that did not take mitigation measures because they didn't think they had a big problem are going to have a big problem soon.

That's a key concept in epidemiology, which I have discussed before: exponential growth. If one person infects two people, and those in turn infect four, and they in turn infect eight, and so on, you think you don't have a problem on Septober 1 and then find you have a big problem on Septober 14. So don't think the picture you're seeing now is the one you will be seeing in two weeks.

That is all.


Dane Bramage said...

Kansas City and Boise didn't have their leaders encouraging them to go out and mingle in restaurants or ChinaTown.

Residents of NYC and SF were encouraged were told there was little risk.

And then there's Marti Gras. That's going to make a difference in New Orleans.

Things were not equal.

Cervantes said...

You are a moron. Every single state that has yet to issue a stay at home order has a Republican governor. The most notorious politicians who encouraged people to go to bars and restaurant are wingnuts like Devin Nunes. Then there are all these far right wingnut pastors and Trump cultists.

You're damn right things are not equal and you have your head so far up your ass you'd need a glass navel to see. Do not bother to submit any of your idiotic comments to my blog ever again. Please educate yourself about the Dunning-Kreuger effect, of which you are a perfect exemplar.

Don Quixote said...

In case the above, now-banned commenter still views this blog in the future: Please learn to proofread what you write, even if it won't be allowed on this site. It's always possible to learn not just to write more clearly but, in your case--as I hope--to think more clearly.

I work in a school and we teach kids to do this now, so there's no reason you can't learn. People won't take your comments as seriously if you write things like "Marti Gras" and "Residents of NYC and SF were encouraged were told there was little risk."

At least if your comments have no substance, they'll read better. It's kind of like wearing a nice outfit to/having good manners at a job you suck at doing. At least your coworkers will like your superficial exterior, no matter what your inside looks like. People do it all the time in dysfunctional workplaces. Not that I recommend working in one.

Cervantes said...

Thanks for that, neatness counts. And more on the above, dipshit.

Don Quixote said...

PS To the same commenter: Sorry I was snarky. I didn't need to be, and I apologize.

In addition, I find that when I write out of emotion rather than reason, I make mistakes, too. So cool off before you write from the hip.