Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What happened to me

I've been getting comments accusing me of "partisanship". Do yuh think?

Over the years, it is true, I have written on a variety of issues, often fairly wonky explications of health care or public health policy issues, explanations for lay people of technical or scientific problems, political and social philosophy, history, and more.

Lately it is true I have done a lot of posts decrying the current White House occupant and the political party which has become a cult of personality centered on the same malignant, moronic, narcissistic psychopathic clown. That the reins of power in the world's wealthiest and most powerful nation are held by a deranged idiot is indeed the greatest crisis facing humanity, in the midst of the fundamental crises we already face -- environmental degradation and climate change, resource depletion, and pandemics of novel diseases, not to mention the continuing capability of the U.S. and several other nations to destroy civilization with nuclear weapons.

The Republican Party denies the reality of all of these crises. It exists only to further enrich plutocrats and remove all constraints on their action. Since these policies are not actually popular, it bamboozles its supporters with appeals to racism, tribalism, and an endless torrent of lies.

So am I partisan? Yes, the Republican party is a cancer on humanity, and it must be utterly and forever destroyed. I hereby yield the floor to Fintan O'Toole.

It is one thing to be powerless in the face of a natural disaster, quite another to watch vast power being squandered in real time – wilfully, malevolently, vindictively. It is one thing for governments to fail (as, in one degree or another, most governments did), quite another to watch a ruler and his supporters actively spread a deadly virus. Trump, his party and Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News became vectors of the pestilence.
The grotesque spectacle of the president openly inciting people (some of them armed) to take to the streets to oppose the restrictions that save lives is the manifestation of a political death wish. What are supposed to be daily briefings on the crisis, demonstrative of national unity in the face of a shared challenge, have been used by Trump merely to sow confusion and division. They provide a recurring horror show in which all the neuroses that haunt the American subconscious dance naked on live TV.


Don Quixote said...

Precisely. Not partisan. Just true. It doesn't matter if someone sees it differently from O'Toole. That is their right; they can have their ignorant and/or deranged opinion. There are people who supported Hitler and there are probably people who think Bashar al-Assad is an okay guy, or George W. Bush, or Dick Cheney. That is okay.

It doesn't make the people okay. There are bastards in life, complete bastards who have no redeeming qualities and who harm other people in direct proportion to the power they take and/or are given.

Donald J. Trump is such a bastard. It doesn't make him evil; the evil results from his actions and inactions. He's allowed to be where he is because of the racist, greedy, life-eschewing system in which we live, a system designed by its founders.

A man like Trump has no place running anything--a home, a store, a classroom (he'd be lost), anything at all--much less a country. Our system is sick and deluded and run by corporate harpies. They install men such as this.

Don Quixote said...

PS--As I recall, "partisans" in WW II were, historically speaking, generally on the vindicated side of those trying to "do the right thing," as opposed to supporting those with power lust, the Hitlers and Mussolinis of the world.

So many people in my country seem to have lost their minds and chosen to follow the hollow men, the spiritless "leaders" of the modern-day Republican party. The McConnells and Trumps of the world--the con men, the rapacious users, the seekers of power who have allowed their souls to be ripped from their humanity in the quest for power, with no bounds, at all costs. The oppressors of women, of men, of children, the deniers of life.

I guess these same people in WW II times were called fascists and Nazis. If that's who they want to be, I'm powerless to stop them. But I do stand in distressed wonder at the choice of so many Americans to follow such monsters, people who would kill them after receiving their vote.