Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

The Death Cult

David Andahl was a Republican candidate for the state legislature in North Dakota. As Senator Kevin Cramer said in endorsing him: "I'm joining the District 8 Republican Party and Governor Doug Burgum in endorsing David Andahl because we need more Trump Republicans in the State Legislature." 

Andahl died of Covid-19 a month ago, even though it's a hoax. He won the election yesterday. 

As for the bigger picture, at this point it's obvious that Biden won the election, but we're going to go through two and half months of hell. Also, why in God's name did Mainers vote for Susan Collins? With Mitch McConnell still running the Senate, it's going to be a rough two years, at least.

Note: I never made a single prediction about the outcome of the Nov. 3 election.


Don Quixote said...

Lotta emails (and some servers) to erase or disable ... it sure will be hell for all the resident's men. Lots of evidence to destroy ... oh, not that they did anything illegal!

Don Quixote said...

I want to express my support here for Republicans who want to appoint as many dead people as possible to office.