Map of life expectancy at birth from Global Education Project.

Friday, June 12, 2020


Just so you know, Epoch Times and One America News Network are both right wing extremists propaganda organs, and they are filled with fabricated stories. Specifically, Epoch Times is published by Falun Gong, the Chinese spiritual movement which was banned by the Chinese government and is now busily trying to ingratiate itself with Orange Julius by supplying him with tasty fake news. ONAN (oh, did I make a typo) is a Russian disinformation project, also filled with made up shit.

Please don't send me links to either of these, all you are doing is proving that you are a deluded fuckwit.

1 comment:

Don Quixote said...

Way to keep that commentary highbrow!

But that is my point. We reality-based Americans don't go around killing like far-right-wingers are capable of, but it is okay if we occasionally verbally slap them upside the head. They don't seem to understand anything else. Remember, they're authoritarian-based individuals willing to follow a "strongman" (who is actually a tiny, tiny, puny little weakling ... e.g., Shitler).